United Souls - Extracts from New Book TBA - by Eli Goldsmith - Part 8 - The power of United Souls begins!
Anti-Semitism, Anti-Soulism, and Trending’s Soulful Unification!
Dedicated to all the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet.
Avi Benjamin - Confessions - Soulful Emuna Track - Unofficial Preview! Thanks Avi…
The true battle of all the generations is revealed to all humanity. Now is the time for United Souls to reveal its inner truth. All is one and one for all, our Creator is what gives life to everything. We tune into this absolute source of life, we for real get to know our souls, our life transforms from disparate realities to one wholesome flow. By focusing on the path of no distractions and tuning into our Creator's truth we enter a New World experience. To go out of all our daily restraints with a consciousness of unity refusing to bow to other G-ds aka distractions of our generation. I had a dream on our Sabbath that it’s important to reveal the oneness of our Creation to communicate in a universal language. Two foundational quotes from the 10 commandments and Torah build this truth on the Soul level “I am your G-d who took you out of Mitzrayim” and “Don’t have any other G-ds etc” are conduits of this Universal Light. People were chosen to be living conduits of this truth. And the world around has the ability to compliment, collaborate, and partner with this light. To be truly G-dly and kind is the real building block of Creation. Kindness and proactiveness, gentleness, and compassion help us manifest this soul level we all yearn for. A world of hope and giving is a future we want to work towards. We have to learn to visualize this true reality soon to be revealed. Focusing on the ultimate destination gives us the power to manifest in our daily moments of clarity and light. Believe in our mission and ability to take on our Soul’s purpose! We got this…
Everyone has a common universal experience of the struggle of life. Every single human experiencing on some level beginning with a struggle to breathe from birth, a struggle to eat and drink, a struggle to believe in oneself, a struggle to generate energy for those around him or her, a struggle emotionally, spiritually, and even on life’s marathon to true success, a struggle to go ahead no matter what. People who had the ability to see and then no more, or walk & dance, become paralyzed. To appreciate what was and to go-ahead to build toward new goals of a different experience in life is easier said than done. Dealing with financial struggles daily, bringing up children in an internet unhealthy environment. Such an obstacle to normalcy right now in the holy land with our high holy days approaching being put in LockDown due to the corona challenge. Somehow, these seemingly dark moments can be transformed into greater light. Humankind was commanded by our Creator not to kill. If a person looks at the 10 commandments and on a horizontal level “Thou shall not kill” joins with The First commandment that there is “One G-d”. The struggle of humankind to love and respect others in terms of protecting the sacredness of life is One with the truth of One G-d, of One Unifying force within Creation and beyond. So we enter a more elevated light from within to a new stage of creation.
United Souls Weekly Emuna Class - Join Live by @Eli Unity Goldsmith - Enjoy growing together With Anti-#semitism, #Antisoulism, and #Unification With #Soulful #Living - Monday at 330 pm approx!
For Following #AviBenjamin – https://www.instagram.com/avibenjaminmusic/ – #unitybookings AB email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Our goal as always in Unification – Check out - Odysee.com/@UnitedSouls -Rumble.com/EliGoldsmith- Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –
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Personal Branding & #2020Vision - The Challenge in 2022!
Unity - Inspires - Projects :)
Thoughts - Creative Expression - Actions :)
Oneness - #oneness
#unity - #inspires - #projects
#thoughts - #creative-expression - #actions
Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…
By Eli Goldsmith - +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com