United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 - by Eli Goldsmith - 50 - Miracles & Gratitude - Sharing the Light Before During & Always - Never Give Up on Our Mission - Shovavim!
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United Souls - Section 2 by Eli Goldsmith - A Journey towards Real Unification Everyway Continued - Healthy Rest of Winter 2025 5785 Blessings All - Check out all the Parts especially 43 for the Intro…
Miracles & Gratitude
During this war in the holy land filled with tragedy and pain, we also experienced miracles beyond words that required endless gratitude. Our ability to keep strong during such obvious hatred and open enemy acts of terror is also a testimonial to our resolute people and miraculous nature which our people survived all of history. We are truly role models, Ohr LGoyim just in our persistence, people where the soul is our dominant strength, there is no other logical explanation for all we have accomplished. Deeply we are leading the inner and outer wars to conquest of the evil side of humanity. We demonstrated this daily in our conduct in war, in peace, and at all times. The Jewish Festival of Light approaches the year's dark and material season. Chanukah contains within the hidden light of Creation, and through our lighting the Menorah for 8 special nights, Hallel with Praise and Thanks for 8 special days we draw down this hidden light and reveal its glorious miraculous wonders to all who experience our Chanukah together with us. We bring this Soulful light to the public domain, to the lowest parts of time, place, and human challenges fighting inner pain. Transforming the dark depths into light, the left is clarified, the right strengthened, and the middle path of balance empowered. We reach a whole new level of resilience that will give us supernatural strength till the end of days. Individually we reach a whole new level of self-awareness that lights up our souls with new clarity and insight into the hidden patterns of secrets of Creation. We educate, and we are overflowing with true values and awakenings within. There is hope in the realm of miracles and an attitude of gratitude which is all a wholesome part of United Souls.
Sharing the Light Before During & Always…
United Souls is a real flow that allows us to create a vessel to share the light at all times, in all places, with all kinds of connections… We can develop the inner ability to shine beyond all the darkness surrounding our lives. We are growing in human soulful consciousness and awareness, however, at the same time we are facing challenges to focus and develop healthfully through all the tests of technology and purity. Educationally we work hard to be supportive and children need our love and connection more than ever. We fight for what we love and must be supportive, simultaneously becoming role models while creating boundaries. We can win this final war of the soul in every way while our faces continue to shine during our lifetime. Even on the darkest day, time and place the level of our connection isn’t even a factor in the true form of service. We are all intrinsically connected to the oneness by having a G-dly Soul. We then align with our Soulful Source and even with the increased intensity of the distractions, we are still on some level able to focus as the Oneness is a form of Prayer. As the Baal HaTanya writes in Chapter 28 we ask for the deepest light of Chassidus to shine on the 5th night of Chanukah the lowest place in time, soul, and even in London, etc... We discuss the Unification of Rebbe Nachman & the Baal HaTanya (Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben Dovid - Torah and Tefilah) connecting on this Torah that this is the ultimate nechama aka comfort, the Rachmanus aka Ultimate Mercy we have on the Soul Level, etc... so much light, listen, strengthen our focus in prayers and share on the inspiration of our United Souls. We need to understand that our inner truth and destiny are the Unity of our G-dly Soul. This will resolve all of our current challenges in a way that will draw into reality the true reality of this lower world becoming a dwelling for Souls and Our Creator. It's about getting out of the way so Hashem can reveal what this life and history are all for. The Dreidel is an example of the purpose of HisStory. It's all spinning around the G-dly Soul a point within us all. Knowing and living this truth of G-dly Essence within is the ultimate comfort and salvation for all of us. Let go, Let G-d, Be Sincerely Real and We shall Rejoice with the light eternally in everyday flow.
Lkovod #Shovavim...
A group of some of Tom’s brothers working to bring down the healing for Tom with lots of love 💗
Never Give Up on Our Mission
We all are facing challenges on an abnormal historical level. Purification and clarification are a huge part of our generation's experience. The voices within and without keep signaling for us to give up. Never relinquish the will and determination to fulfill our purpose in this blessed world. Our opportunity on a daily level is so real and our mission so tangible. Even if others are not giving us the recognition that we deeply don't look for, on the United Soul level we influence, elevate, dedicate, and fulfill the most important tasks. Our Soul is fully aware of the inner purpose we exist to bring alive. This spiritual time of Shovavim is an insight into our daily toil and journey. To successfully bring Soulful Joy into all the daily flow, holy service demands, etc… We are here to confirm our spiritual DNA is real and brings the light of our Creator to the most truthful of places. We can build a new vessel for our families' blessings. We can awaken a love amongst friends. We will assist special Souls of Humanity and Yisrael in achieving their growing light and mission. The Goals are Clear, the Path is Before us, Do Not Falter, Keep Focused, Courageous, and Encouraging. We shall succeed with G-d’s help!
Shmuel Official... Happy to announce Shmuel is Collaborating with Unity Bookings -
DM to #booknow #shmuelofficial #unitybookings #contactnow - UnityInspireProjects@gmail.com
The real light together dispels the darkness @nissimofficial ✨ - ty 😊 again for kind hosting @chabadweha @jewisharuba beyond... Nissim Black’s Tours in the U.S. in late January (01/19-30), as well as Chol HaMoed Pesach and right before/after (04/9-10 & 04/20-24). Book Now #NissimBlack DM @unityinspiresprojects #UnityBookings https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/
Tolna Rebbe Zos Chanukah Tish Burning the Wicks & Tefilos for Torah, Israel & this is our holiday!
Shavua Tov - Shovavim from ZeraShimshon.com
Join the Audio new section on ZeraShimshon.com - Weekly Classes - Parshat Vayechi - By Mordecai Holtz Shabbat Chazak Yeshuot!
Keep flowing with abundance 😊 and real music 🎶 - Israel Portnoy -
DM #booknow #unitybookings https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ - Excellent Truths - Yishai Fleisher - DM #BookNow #UnityBookings - https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/
Remembering the Chorban to Chibur = Connection - 10 Tevet to Shabbos Chazak & Moshiach! Learning Weekly in the Office 🏬 Flow!
Dedicated learning for the Refuah Shleima for Chaim Shlomo ben Kila aka Dr. Peter, and Ariel ben Dorit aka Tom, beloved members of Shirat David Efrat ❤
Building the Vessel for the Tzaddick's Torah Light & New Souls - Likutei Moharan 36 5-6 -
Real connecting Content, and we are here for this holy bro 🙌
#nissimblack DM #unitybookings https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/
You are not Alone in Israel - The Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith plus A Special Guest - JOC Support - Just One Chesed & UIP!
Shovavim - Sincere Advice & Prayers - Likutei Moharan 36 5 6 -
This is a reminder that my next trip to London is May 11th -15th, 2025 (Visit/Tour), in Edgware TBC. Currently, the schedule is pretty open, except for the 14th night. Let’s collaborate to make a get-together, event, chill, or meeting -DM #unitybookings #unitedsouls #unitymarketing #unityflow #connect— https://unityinspireprojects.com/ —b'H only good news & only simchas...
"We’re thrilled to kick off 2025 with a focus on collaboration and shared success! At EmunaIP.com, our dedicated team is ready to partner with you and explore exciting opportunities to achieve even greater milestones together this year. Here’s to a year of growth, innovation, and success for all!" Ty Eli - UnityInspireProjects.com #unitymarketing...
Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is visiting the UK Confirmed for May 11th to 15th 2025...Book Now - Support is needed due to the beyond-word’s unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓Message add "For Israel War Support" as we are also collecting for the local community's growing projects at this time of War.
Share & Care now Unity Inspires Projects Needs Real Support - https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Healthy Rest of Winter with Big Hugs to all our family & friends in the Holy Land and & Globally… #bekind New #Blessings2025 #Shovavim - #UnityFlow Connect Now - UnityInspireProjects.com